What is Creatine article updated!

Some of you may already have read an old post called ‘What is Creatine..?’, well just to let you know its been updated! Comes packed with tons more information on creatine and scientific explanations. Take a look at the post here. Enjoy

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One Response to “What is Creatine article updated!”

  1. Christi says:

    I have random drug test, I am on probation for a dui. My probation officer almost violated me because creatine showed up in my test. I had never heard of it and was very upset because I do not take any drugs. I looked this up because it bothered me so bad being accused of something. I do eat a lot of meat. Can you give me any explanation of why this would show up in a urine test if you dont even take it. She said I must drink to much water but the articles I have read have nothing to do with water. Thank you
    just wondering if you can help because I really feel she lied to me.
    Thank You

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