Upped by bench press, once again..

Some reading may be thinking, this is just some big hype to try and earn commission from creatine products, you may be correct but i am also using the blog to post my personal achievements while taking creatine and protein shakes.

Earlier, i decided to up my bench press weights again by another 5kg. May not sound like alot, but it sure makes a difference! I have had to lower my reps to 4 or 5 so i can do it correctly.

Who know’s.. next time i may up it by 10kg :p

Will keep you updated!

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One Response to “Upped by bench press, once again..”

  1. Michael says:

    I’m 35. I started creatine in October. I use about 5g per day. I didn’t load.

    I lifted weights when I was younger but had problems getting strength or mass. At 5’10” my best weight was about 180 and my bench reps never got above body weight (180). When I started back in the gym, my reps got back to 175-180 pretty fast but stopped. Since I started, (call it 45 days) my bench reps are up to 215. I have put on 5 pounds with no increase in waist size. My arms have put on 3/4 inch cold and 1 1/2″ pumped. I am very happy with the results. I have noticed no side effects directly. I used to get headaches from time to time (say 1 or 2 a week). They seem to be more prevalent now (3 or 4 a week). I don’t know that this isn’t environemntal but wondered if anyone else gets more on creatine?

    I am cycling for eight weeks then off in December and will see what happens then. The cycling I’ve seen involves significantly more creatine than I use and for longer periods. I am going with a conservative approach.

    Does anyone have any advice?

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