Three days and no creatine..

Ok, well unfortunatley i haven’t been able to take Creatine for the last three days, as i’ve been in hospital 24/7 with my family, but i will be getting back on it tomorrow morning. I’ve still been eating high protein food when possible, and nurishment drinks, but the hospital food/shop doesn’t get much better than that! So hopefully this doesn’t ruin the routine i had going, and i’ll be able to jump back on it. days and no creatine.. digg:Three days and no creatine.. spurl:Three days and no creatine.. wists:Three days and no creatine.. simpy:Three days and no creatine.. newsvine:Three days and no creatine.. blinklist:Three days and no creatine.. furl:Three days and no creatine.. reddit:Three days and no creatine.. fark:Three days and no creatine.. blogmarks:Three days and no creatine.. Y!:Three days and no creatine.. smarking:Three days and no creatine.. magnolia:Three days and no creatine.. segnalo:Three days and no creatine..

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