The Loading Phase – Creatine loading and use – Creatine Cycling

So you want to take that plunge into the deep end of the pool. You want to go where no scrawny man has ever gone before. You want to stop listening to what your mom says is good for you, and become a man that makes his own decisions. You want to bulk up and get in shape and do it in a way that will produce quicker and more noticeable results. You want to take creatine.

Despite what all the moms say about creatine, it is actually one of the few supplements out there that works and doesn’t harm you in the process if used correctly. Your body uses creatine whether you put it in your body via powder form, pill form, or red meat. Creatine simply gives you more energy that allows you to push that extra rep or two up. Those extra few reps will produce bigger gains over a length of time.

The first step in taking creatine is the loading phase. I would take what the creatine bottles say with a grain of salt. Always read the directions on the package before you use anything, but also realize that these companies are out to make money. They sometimes fudge their dosage amounts so you run out of product faster and have to order more.

Creatine is used in cycles. The typical cycle will last about 8-10 weeks depending on the individual. The first week of ever cycle consists of what we call a loading phase. During the loading phase, you will take more creatine than usual to get your body ready for it. It is recommended that you take 20 grams/day during the loading phase. You can break this up into 4-5 times a day depending on when you eat your meals and when you work out. It is also important to take creatine up to 2 hours before you work out because it will take time for the muscles to absorb it.

There are several ways you can take creatine. Some people take it in the form of pills, while the majority of us use the powder form. I always buy flavorless because I generally put the scoop right into my mouth and wash it down with a tall glass of grape juice. It is also ok to mix creatine with protein or to put it in shakes or a glass of water. The problem with creatine is that is doesn’t dissolve well. That’s why I recommend you just put the scoop on the back of your tongue and swallow it, that way you don’t lose any of the creatine in the bottom of your cup.

Packages might tell you to take more than the daily loading phase dosage, but don’t listen to them. The body will just excrete any excess creatine and it will be wasted. Creatine can be a great tool in aiding you in your journey to get in shape. The loading phase is very important in the cycle, so be sure to follow the recommended dosage amounts and try not to skip any servings. If you miss your morning scoop, do not take 2 scoops at the next scheduled time. Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling digg:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling spurl:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling wists:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling simpy:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling newsvine:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling blinklist:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling furl:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling reddit:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling fark:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling blogmarks:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling Y!:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling smarking:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling magnolia:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling segnalo:The Loading Phase - Creatine loading and use - Creatine Cycling

126 Responses to “The Loading Phase – Creatine loading and use – Creatine Cycling”

  1. mike says:

    it really helps in building muscles, but there are side effects like burning sensation in the tip of your tongue…

  2. Sam Brooks says:

    Creatine helped me out alot when I was working out 5 years ago. I just got back into working out, and needed to be reminded of the loading phase technique. I highly recommend creatine to all serious athletes.

  3. brandon says:

    mike got one weird ass side affect, anyone else ?

  4. Chris says:

    creatine improves my athletic performance. The purity is also a key factor in how it makes you feel. You get what you pay for. Everyone’s body is different too. So far I haven’t had a single side effect from creatine. I am a 21 yr old male and I lift weights regularly.

  5. matt says:

    ok-i am 15 years old and im still in the loading phase, but within 3 days ive noticed my muscles a little bigger, ive been lifting for 5 years now, and i never thought you could gain this fast!!!

  6. steven says:

    hey matt im 16 years old and didnt start my loading phase yet, actually just bought it today…. any help with how much to use during the loading and mantaince since we are younger…? doubt u will come back though but w.e, help from anyone? please

  7. BallCoach says:

    Creatine works and I have many of my ballplayers use it — results are noticeable. BUT be careful on the loading phase. I am not a big believer in the necessity for loading and think that 20g per day is MORE than adequate, especially for a 15 or 16 year old.

  8. Mike says:

    Hi, I am 14 years old and have just bought creatine. Is the loading phase absolutely necessary in a 14 year old? thanks

  9. Aron says:

    The loading phase is never absolutely necessary for anyone. In fact, taking creatine isn’t necessary for anyone either.

    Although, if you do decide to supplement with creatine than the loading phase will help you to receive the results faster.

  10. Dan says:

    ok so i have a very tight scedual with school and stuff, i have just bought creatine and have used it when i got o gym but have not started the loading phase. i can only go to gym twice a week, what will happen if i take my creatine (20g) during the loading phase and do not workout? and then after the loading phase do i only need to take it on a day that im going to gym?
    please help.

  11. Chris says:

    I read that you take your whole body weight in kg and times it by .3 and that is how many grams a day you are supposed to take during the loading phase

  12. jojo says:

    ok everyone ive been trying to get the answer to thios question everywhere…….is says on the bottle to do the loading phaze and take 20 g. a day like 4 to 5 times a day…….but i only works out once a day if that maby once every other day….do i still take it 4 to 5 times a day if im not gna work out after taking it…..i mean even if i worked out every day witch mabny i will im not gna do it 4 to 5 times a day…somebody plzz answer cuz im gna start tomorrow n i wanna know what im doing

  13. rich says:

    you do not have to work out 4 times a day whil in loading phase but during maintanance phase it is good to work out once a day after your daily dose

  14. Mike says:

    jojo…That’s 20 grams per day. That would be like 5g at breakfast, 5g at lunch, 5g pre-workout, and 5g post-workout. Since it apparently does absorb more water in your muscles, I don’t see it as a good idea to be taking this much daily especially before a high intensity workout. If you are sweating out all the water you drank that day…maybe it’s not going to your muscles like it should, or maybe you will just dehydrate faster. Who knows? In any case, I’ll be taking it once in the morning and once after my workout.

  15. Humph says:

    i didn’t go on loading phase so i couldn’t give any idea regarding that, but tried this creatine… with great results! i somehow take it together with amino 1 hour before my workout only. and during my workout take in amino again.

  16. Ryan says:

    Durring the loading phase how often should i be working out? also it seems by reading this that 20 grams is the “over dosage” that is required to saturate your muscles. and you also say that i can take that over 4-5 sittings. my creatine bottle says to take 50g at once in an 8oz glass of watter its a bally’s brand. im really confused. is 50g too much?

  17. jay says:

    IF u drink 50g of creatin in 1 gulp, u’ll probably have diarrea for days!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

  18. NAS says:

    I drank 20mg of Cretin in 1 gulp. I am dieing. Fuck cretine, work hard, u niggers will be where u wanna be.

  19. Henry says:

    im 17 and im now using protein and creatine. the thing is mine says the loading phase should be 8 grams over 7 days then down to 4 grams a day. so do i just take the 8 or 4 grams in one serving. or do i take like 1 gram in mourning then mid day or after wrk out at dinner and then before bed or sumin? im confused.

  20. Darren says:

    Can Monohydrate and Ester be taken at same time?

  21. Greg says:

    The loading phase has been debated over and over, personally i dont bother with the loading stage, i take 5 grams a day over a 30 day cycle. Loading may have its advantages however if your taking too much you just excreting it and wasting money.

  22. derek says:

    on the bottle it says to take 5g per dosage but i am doin extra…like 8g
    is this dangerous?im confused

  23. sean says:

    Creatine loading is not needed… but if you would like to load… the proper dosage is .3g/kg of body weight a day split up into 4-5 doses for 3-5 days. The creatine Ethyl Ester is a poor type of creatine and is unstable and breaks down while in the bloodstream and very little gets absorbed into your muscles… The proper time to take it is with your protein shake after immediately following your workout so that protein synthesis (the process of rebuilding muscle) will take full advantage of the creatine… also a good post workout shake is low-fat chocolate milk, 16 oz of it… which has a carb:protein ratio of about 4:1 with the conjugated linoleic acid to help assimilate fatty tissues.

  24. Ace says:

    To answer a few questions, you need to take creatine & protein as soon as you wake up, about an hour before a workout and immediately after a workout. Eat some cheese before you go to bed at night. The slow release protein in cheese will stop your body from using muscle tissue during sleep and loading in the morning will top up your levels. Remember that your muscles grow when they are healing so you need to have a full supply of creatine and protein in your system when you’re not working out. However your muscles are extremely receptive immediately after a workout (hopefully whilst still in the anabolic state)

  25. Walter says:

    Hi im a Sophmore in my highschool and when i first started lifting weights, i was using creatine and i increased my squat from 200 to 380 and then i started mix my creatine with protein and my squat went from 380 to 490 is that good or bad?

  26. Ricky says:

    I typically take one scoop of creatine (5g) and then squat my car 20 reps. I follow that with another scoop of creatine and bench press my car 50 reps.

    I’ve went from a Honda Civic to a Escalade in 10 weeks since starting creatine, is that good?

  27. Dave says:

    A loading phase is not necessarily needed. Studies have shown that creatine taken once a day gives the same results in a month period. In the loading phase alot of the creatine is excreted anyway. It is also important to cycle creatine because you body will get used to it and results will become stagnant. I suggest 1 to 2 months on and 1 month off, depending on the person.

  28. Brian says:

    That was awesome advice to put the scoop of creatine in your mouth and wash it down. Thanks a bunch. I take BC Powders. They are much more effective than pill aspirin. I wash them down with grape juice — chocolate milk works great, too. Sometimes, creatine drinks give me an upset stomach, but washing down a dry scoop avoids all of that. I just started supplementing with whey and creatine, and I have been able to work out for an hour and ten minutes. It really gives you that little extra to push yourself. Whey powder is the greatest supplement for overall health. Once again, thanks a bunch.

  29. surferpete says:

    Creatine is the best! am 18 and was real skinny and workedout reguarly, just finnished my first week on loading phase- done minimal excersice, and iv had to buy new shirts cause my arms dont fit the Small sleeves. love this stuff, its a miracle! Cheers for all the advice!

  30. yaboylilt says:

    is it ok to drink muscle milk with my creatine. and im still in the loading phase so do am i not supposeed to lift that much.. can someone just give me the instructions for this stuff.. so i can have maximum affects!

  31. Phil Jones says:

    After using creatine through several cycles, and experimenting with loading and without loading, I would say that you will notice it a little more after loading. HOWEVER, at the end of the month the gains seem very similar, and for all that creatine you potentially waste in loading I hardly think it seems worth it. A study by Balsom et al, shows daily creatine turnover for a 160lb individual is around 2g, and a little more when weight training… you get that from food, so don’t be too gun-ho and think that more is better. The best study to prove this is by Hultman et al, 1996, where they show that once creatine saturation occurs, after ‘loading’ for instance, you only need 2g a day to maintain maximal levels !!!!! so don’t waste your money taking 5 or more grams a day, half a teaspoon will do!!!

  32. Andrew says:

    Lot´s of useful information cheers everyone. I have been going to the gym for about 4 months now, I used to have on and off periods but now as of 4 months ago it’s regular so I have seen real change. Hopefully this stuff’ll help!

  33. ali irfan says:

    hi i just got creatine monohydrate and i am in loading phase,my schedule is very tight i gotta go to university how can i manage to get the complete dosage during my loading phase.wether i should take it after the meal or before the meal,please reply my time period for taking the creatine powder dosage.

  34. Mitch Hopkins says:

    Hi i am new to creatine and im very confused…? All your comments suggest different things and i dont know wether to go through a loading phase or not which is best? Also how much should i take a day 5g, 10g, or 20g? please help!!

  35. Sam says:

    hey ali irfan
    if u have univeristy then that sux
    but ummmm
    when ur in loading phase
    -in the morning
    -4 hours after the first intake
    -2 hrs before workout
    -30 minutes before workout
    -after workout
    that’s how i do it and i got results real quick
    and i know most ppl would disagree with me accumlating creatine 2 hrs before workout then one 30 minutes beofre workout again but when i did that i had so much energy in me.
    and of course each intake should be about 1 tsp

  36. ND says:

    I believe I am the first woman to write. Any others out there? I decided to skip the “loading” phase and just take 5g a day for 30 days. I work out 5-6 days a week and run about 12 miles a week. At any rate, how long is it safe to stay on creatine? When should I take a rest from it and then return to it?

  37. satnav says:

    why am i getting headaches from creatine when i dissolve it in my ass entrance?

  38. TF says:

    hey, quick question, i picked up some dymatize xpand which is mainly creatine malate and CEE, not creatine monohydrate. am i supposed to load, even though its not creatine monohydrate?

  39. SlickBS says:

    I masturbate a lot after eating creatine. I load 5 times a day and i am surprised by how long my penis had become. Oil your penis with some nice coconut oil for huge results.

  40. Jelqerio says:



    Ahh, sh*t…

  41. Big Joe says:

    I squat my house, is that good?

  42. Milo says:

    You said load

  43. jimmy two times says:

    hahaha…..load?…wasnt that the name of metallicas last album?


  44. Jason says:

    I started working out about 24 months ago, I weighed 134 lbs, 6′ tall. A month or so into working out I tried creatine. I would drink 2 40g protein shakes a day, 1 with a 5g scoop of creatine, no loading. I did that for 2.5 months, took a break for 3 weeks, then did it another 3 months. At the end of my first 6 months of working out on 5g of creatine a day I weighed 165. I attribute alot of that weight gain to not taking care of myself (diet, excercise), but most of it, to creatine.

    I stopped working out for about 14 months and I got back down to 144. The whole point of this is… I’m going to try loading this time and see if I can put the weight back on faster. I’ve only worked out twice but I swear to god I’m bigger already. Does anyone know if muscles just deflate, then reinflate with excercise? or does the muscle mass regress or something and you have to build it back?

  45. aman says:

    hi im startin my loading phase and wanted to know per day how much creatine i shud take and how many times in the day.

  46. UKChav says:

    Ive just started training and just started taking creatine monohydrate, i am also taking tribulus. I am 6?4? and weigh 200lbs. I didnt load up on the creatine, im just taking 5g/day. Will i still get the same results from the creatine without loading. Also because i didnt load should i still take a break from the creatine and if so for how long? How effective is tribulus with creatine. One last thing, my bench press really sucks. I push about 70lbs currently, what can i do to improve this. Thanks in advance.

  47. WatchYourSelf says:

    Firstly, I strongly suggest that you avoid creatine until you have a competent understanding of:
    – your body
    – your workout
    – your diet.
    Mis-matching either of these with incorrect supplement intake is a waste of money, at the very least, and can be harmful to your health, at the very worst. In this way, you will build a fantastic physique without rushing or forcing it.
    Loading should only be undertaken for one week. This gets the body used to having a ‘maximum’ amount in it. I take 5 servings per day for that week and then 2 sevings per day for 3 weeks after. It is absolutely essential that you maintain very high water consumption (at least 7 litres per day) so as to avoid dehydration and support the muscles’ water intake. Then, stop taking it all together for 2-3 weeks. This is called ‘cycling’ and ensures that your body does not simply adjust to the status quo (just like it does if you continually use the same workout regime).
    Finally, for your bench, I suggest you simply persist in the exercise. Try pushing 10 reps of the heaviest weight you can 3 times a week. In addition, try and complete 5 sets of 20 push-ups every day, over the course of the day. Once you have done this for a few (3-6) weeks, turn your attention to your triceps (e.g. dips) and front deltoids (e.g. Arnie Press). They play a very significant role in the bench press by assisting the pectoral muscles throughout the lift.

  48. Dave says:

    WatchYourSelf’s comment / advice so far across all of the information and comments given here has been the most helpful. Thank you for that. I just got my BowFlex Sport and want to accelerate my results using Creatine and other supplements. I now feel somewhat confident using the stuff.

  49. rich says:

    iv just brought creatine it says have one scoop but on my scoop it has a half way line do i fill it to there or fill it right up?

  50. Junji says:

    do I have to take creatine supplements EVERYDAY even if I lift for just like 3 times a week?

  51. Degreed Exercise Scientist says:

    After reading several of the comments on here by teenagers I thought I would jump in and give some guidance. Creatine is a time tested and proven beneficial supplement. Whether one loads or not is up to the individual. I personally have have tried loading and no loading at all and have seen effects both ways. The general consensus is that once your body has enough creatine you will pee out the rest. That begs the question … how much is just right for your body??? No one can answer that question. If you are over 200lbs and carrying significant amounts of muscle a 20g’s load per day for 5 days might be right for you. If you are 135lbs and lean 5g per day might be more than enough to load for week. It just depends on your body. If you do decide to load make sure you space out your servings through out the day, normally 5 grams per serving. Mass doses at one time are only going to give you GI troubles and waste alot of creatine. Lastly, drink tons of WATER like others on here have suggested (pop and juice do not count as water by the way) your body is going to need it at least 64 oz per day.

    For all of you guys under 17 years of age. More than likely your growth plates are not closed yet and you are still growing. Ultra heavy low rep workouts may prematurely close your growth plates. Since you probably shouldn’t be involved in that type of really intense workout yet creatine supplementation is really not necessary. Your focus should be on a balanced whole food diet with minimal if any supplementation. Your body requires more than what supplements can provide you at this point in your life. If you don’t have a good diet or eating habits supplements will do very little to help you beyond a short term gain. Nothing can replace whole food that is why they call protein powders and creatine type products “supplements”.

  52. Degreed Exercise Scientist says:

    Creatine should be cycled as you do not want your body to become too accustomed to having synthetically derived creatine in your system. I have heard many many different variations of cycling creatine. There is not an exact way to do it that will work for everyone. That being the case I suggest going with an easy to remember and follow protocol. The one that I subscribe too is the “one to one” cycle. What that means is that however long you are on is however long you are off. Some like a quick one month on one month off cycle, others 1.5 on to 1.5 off and still other 2 months on 2 months off. I do not recommend going over 2 months on, because your body will have become accustomed to the synthetic creatine by that point and that is not a good thing.

    The human body is amazing at adaptation. Therefore, you have to change things up every 4 to 8 weeks for the body to continue to be stimulated to grow. That goes for working out too. People that do the same workouts all the time often plateau and never grow beyond a specific point. Their body has adapted to their workout and is no longer stimulated to grow. In other words, keep changing things up every 4 to 8 weeks either by starting with different exercises, weight, rep ranges, and even creatine. Lastly, read as much as you can about different training methods Pyramid programs, heavy duty training, etc and try them all, see what works best for you! Good luck

  53. Clay says:

    i have to agree with the article above, you do not need creatine if you are in your teens the most important thing for you to do is Eat properly and never skip meals…trust me its rule number one in building muscle.
    As for creatine it is recommended to take 20gms a day for around 5 days (4 servings of 5gms) after that take 10gms onwards (2 servings), i would not take it for more than 8weeks.
    Its the only supplement i have tried and recommend as i saw gains in muscle after 2 training sessions. try give the muscle 48 hours to rest and sleep is crucial for growing 🙂

  54. Graham says:

    NO do NOT load it, your body is only capable of using 5 grams a day and putting more than that in is a waste and puts on more water weight and causes the side effects. Here’s a site for more – “”

  55. Mark Down Under says:

    I agree with the scientist 100%. I was going to write that myself but he beat me to it. Damnit!

  56. Justin Griffiths NEW ZELAND says:

    iv just completed loading 20g for 5 days & im already back to lifting wot i waz before i stopped 6 weeks ago.creatine is amazing stuff;i love it!im on my third time cycling it,1 month on then 1 month off,iv had no side effects at all.i take hmb, multivitimans, fish oil & whey advice to others is go hard,dont be scared of it & be 100% commited to exercising.SWEAT SWEAT & more SWEAT. TRIUMPH POWER!!!

  57. Jim says:

    I usually just drink 60g of creatine every hour…I then sit on my couch all day and just drink beer and eat oreo’s

    So far I have gained over 270 Lbs in 2 days., this stuff is GREAT

    The bad thing Is I think I have only about 2 hours left to live..

    but I recommended this to all..especially kids under 8 years old.

  58. chris hansen says:

    hey guys,i accidently the whole thing,can somebody please help me,is this bad?

  59. Austin says:

    any advice on what creatine to take?

  60. Anonymous says:

    what if you do not take creatine for a2 days , do u load all over

  61. custombuilt says:

    I am a female with a muscular body. I’ve never worked out before. I’ve been driving trucks all over this country and now I’ve gained fat on top of my muscles. Everyone keeps talking about creatine. Since I have muscular build, should I just take 5gms daily with diet and exercise? Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you much!!

  62. frank says:

    i’m 12 and have been taking creatine for 4 years, i absolutely love it and i weigh 230 pounds of straight muscle, it’s great, i am constantly on a loading phase and take 30 creatine pills a day, it’s fantastic. I tried PenisBreath’s post about masturbating with creatine and it worked great as well, hopefully my penis grows now too because 3 inches isn’t cutting it for me

  63. Luke says:

    Just getting into creatine and all of the advice should help. Thanks

  64. oscar says:

    are you supposed to workout during loading?

  65. jeff says:

    i started to take my creatine 1 hour before i masturbated. my penis is WAY BIGGER!!!!!!! but it hurts to piss now. so what do i do?

  66. suprised says:

    i stared to take creatine about a year ago. I would take 30 scoops with vineager before i would masterbate. My penis got increadably large and red but now when i finish, my load comes out powdery. DOES ANY ONE HAVE AN AWNSER!

  67. gayjoe150 says:

    ive been taking creatine for 2 weeks and i havent gained any muscle or weight am just the same i drink about a gallon a day but i piss a lot. My penis was 8inch without creatine now its 4inch. Creatine sux my fuqing penis now i dont know what to do but my ass is growing and am starting to look like a female

  68. Taai says:

    All u young bloodz thats taking dis stuff at a young age yall need to leave it alone until u get about late 20s. your body hasnt even developed fully yet i dont recall even knowing what creatine was when i was in middle or high school never even heard of it. what yall need to do for right now is to eat right and work, push, play hard. dont grow to fast and try to be lik the big dogs wait and ur time will come.

  69. Skylar Carson says:

    I took lots of that shit and now my penis can lift my house up is that a good thing?

  70. Chance says:

    Since I have started taking creatine my dick can now reach my asshole. That is a big achievement for me in life. Im soOoOoOo happy. Thank you creatine idk what I would do without you!!!!

  71. Mr OWENS!!! says:

    My dick has shrunk thanks to this shit, now my ugly ass wife left me. that was all i had left in life was my dick and now its gone…WTF creatine

  72. Ron Jeremy says:

    Take lots of creatine and mastrubate then visit my new swingers bar in Portland, the longer your dick the more ass you’ll get!! men or women invited!

  73. haha says:

    ahahaha, your comments in the end were very funny , i drop off my chair:D

  74. mitch says:

    hey, if your starting your loading phase should you stop lifting weights during the loading phase or does it matter?

  75. chuck says:

    i took about 10 scoops of creatine before having sex and blacked out half way through. when i finally came to i was doing pushups in the closet and my girlfriend was dead what should i do?

  76. Blake says:

    Sometimes when I take my CGP only my left arm swells…. weird right?
    Is this normal?

  77. Aayush Saxena says:

    Teenagers – strictly avoid creatine. Concentrate on your balanced diet.
    Yes it is necessary to go for loading phase. Do not over take it.
    As far as I knw: it wont increase the dick’s size.

  78. Tamer says:

    during loading i snort 5 scoops of creatine 2 hours before masturbating, then shove 6 scoops up my ass hole during masturbation, however i alternate this every 2nd day

  79. Trippy says:

    haha some of yall’s comments are halarious…but one question whats the difference between creatine monohydrate and creatine

  80. fuglr says:

    im 13 and im on a 5g dosage of creatine monohydrate,i do 4 reps 94 kg then take a cock in my arsehole, during the loading face my ballsack retracted and my testicles disappeared however i increase my protein intake substantially and can now masturbate with my two thumbs…but one question whats the difference between creatine monohydrate and creatine

  81. mick says:

    brilliant stuff i eat 6kgs every hour, can now train much harder in the gym, however my all my eyelashes and pubic hair has fallen off, and my dick can’t get hard anymore unless its sticking in another mans ass hole, cheers creatine

  82. omran says:


  83. BULLSHIT says:


  84. Mike says:

    do you have to workout every day of the loading phase? or can you take a day off the gym but still take 20gs?

  85. james says:

    lads and lasses dont take creatine if ur under 18 it aint good for u.

    for the older peeps try creatine elthalester there isnt side effects andalso you dont need no loading phase plaes read up about this it works better you can also get in pill form

  86. Thomas The Tank Engine says:

    Hi my name is Thomas. I am 15 years old and i just bought some creatine monohydrate. Through trial and error I’ve come to find that injecting 45 grams of creatine in your peehole pre and post masturbation increased the size of my penis head but not the shaft. Now my dick looks like a portabella mushroom. Also i think all the creatine has clogged my urethra because i now piss out of my asshole. Can someone help me reverse this dilemma immediately. My balls are growing larger and larger every day due to my peehole cloggage and i think that they are going to explode. P.S. I can use my nutsack as a bean bag chair so i guess thats straight

  87. Thomas The Tank Engine says:

    Hi my name is Thomas. I am 15 years old and i just bought some creatine monohydrate. Through trial and error I’ve come to find that injecting 45 grams of creatine in your peehole pre and post masturbation increased the size of my penis head but not the shaft. Now my dick looks like a portabella mushroom. Also i think all the creatine has clogged my urethra because i now piss out of my asshole. Can someone help me reverse this dilemma immediately. My balls are growing larger and larger every day due to my peehole cloggage and i think that they are going to explode. P.S. I can use my nutsack as a bean bag chair so i guess thats straight

  88. martin zilla says:

    most call me big cock, some call me little foot, but lately after taking creatine everyone has been calling me godzilla balls. I can never hang out with my friends because my testes have grown to large to give handshakes. No girls want to go near a guy who used to have a great cock but now only has huge balls. what can a guy like me do with these huge balls. any suggestions?

  89. martin zilla says:

    most call me big cock, some call me little foot, but lately after taking creatine everyone has been calling me godzilla balls. I can never hang out with my friends because my testes have grown to large to give handshakes. No girls want to go near a guy who used to have a great cock but now only has huge balls. what can a guy like me do with these huge balls. any suggestions?

  90. Peter Cottonsack says:

    Hi guys. Ive recently purchased some creatine and i need some input on the stack i am about to start. My mom is going to anally induce the creatine 15 times in my rectum a day. Pre workout i figure i would smoke 3-5 crack rocks mixed with goat piss. Post workout i will mixing whey protein and all the diarrhea I will expel throughout my exercise. Also i will be taking cassein and fresh breast milk from a pregnant black heroin addict that I keep in my cellar. Input Please.

  91. Devin says:

    Hi guys. Ive recently purchased some creatine and i need some input on the stack i am about to start. My mom is going to anally induce the creatine 15 times in my rectum a day. Pre workout i figure i would smoke 3-5 crack rocks mixed with goat piss. Post workout i will mixing whey protein and all the diarrhea I will expel throughout my exercise. Also i will be taking cassein and fresh breast milk from a pregnant black heroin addict that I keep in my cellar. Input Please.

  92. JohnBoy says:

    Hello I just purchased a creatine product and im ending my loading phase.In the week ive been loading my bench has improved by 80 pounds.I dont know how i lived without this stuff. Me and my friend inject 30 grams of creatine a day with a needle because it goes straight into the blood system that way at least thats what he says.after i get it in my blood system i feel great and i stay awake for days.I recommend creatine for anyone that wants to live life!!!!

  93. chris says:

    17 here, started creatine a couple days ago and its been great!

  94. Kevin says:

    im a bigger guy would it be alright if i did take creatine or would it just make me even bigger and would i lose any weight ?

  95. Josh says:

    Yeah, ive been taking creatine for a couple days now and i noticed that i’m much better in the gym. Unfortunately, now everybody in my grade thinks that i’m on steroids.

  96. luis says:

    im 15 and i been using creatine properbly as it recomends and i went from lifting 20 pound dumbbells to 45 in 2 week and there was no side effect i been using it for 2 years now and my balls did not shrink the grew alot so i recommened it

  97. luis says:

    2 weeks

  98. jaskaran says:

    iam a male i have taken the creatine 4 years back after three days at loding period i came to know that my penis is not standing and i am not able to do mastrbate and i have got the swear urology problem that i have to go for urien 30 to 35 times daily so please help me for this

  99. jaskaran says:

    if someone got this type of problem so please conact me at

  100. Derek says:

    a-mazing. gained 25 pounds in a month with pure creatine monohydrate. only side effect is occasional crampings in my calfs and shins, but i don’t run often anyways.

  101. j0$4 pimpin says:

    ok diz zhit hella worked i gained 20 poundz im 15 very cloze 2 16 but i alzo zmoke a zhit load of weed but still doing good i take it 2 times a day only i take a scope be4 and after worout

  102. Mr M says:

    Some of these posts are as funny as fuck but some great advice thanks guys

  103. buddah says:

    when ur doing the loading phase…do u have to work out every day or can u take a day off

  104. pokemon says:

    I am 10 and my mom just got me creatine for my birthday. she said I need to stop playing with my pokemon cards and play some sports. i want to find a girlfried too, will creatine help my thing get bigger to?

  105. Aaron Morris says:

    I dissolved 12 scoops of creatine in my ass while having sex with my boyfriend, I blacked out just before he came when he was pounding it in with his big black cock. When i finally woke up I think some of the creatine was sexually transmitted to him because I realized my TV was missing and my refrigerator was empty. Then I found him in the bathroom doing delt squats and my I noticed a big gaping hole in my dead cat’s anus, is that good or bad?!!?

  106. AlphaIntegra says:

    i tried creatine & now i has aids… fail

  107. Mike Hunt says:

    since taking creatine everygirl has been jockin me to suck my cack, i highly recommend girls sucking cack…oh and creatine.

  108. neil says:

    some of these comments would make howard stern blush. but seriously I am a true believer in creatine, been using it for 3 years now, and I really enjoy the freat advise given out here.

  109. Get Some With Creatine says:

    I recently have started taken creatine & my wht great results! My ass size has jumped considerably & i kan now take 2cocks in my asshole! Thanks creatine! now in jail i can b popular for something!

  110. steve says:

    I was taking creatine for 1 week and didn’t notice anything. So I started injecting it straight into my scrotum and cerebrum 8 times daily my penis grew so much I can no longer wear shorts and I often use it as a pogo stick what do I do to reverse this odd side effect?

  111. sunil says:

    What is wash out phase in consuming creatine?

  112. tommy says:

    i am 15 i started working out this year my freshman year and ive grown exponentially i only take OP hydro whey for recovery im 236lbs with some fat about 5’10”-6′ i lift heavy weights 4 times a week and do agilities in between, i want to grow bigger, stronger faster so i can break records this year and i was wondering how much i should use and when i should use it. could you respond to this or email me at kwawtf@gmail thanks all help is appreciated.

  113. BEEFCAKE says:

    When loading a noticed my grownads shrunk by 89%. However when not loading I noticed my gownads increased by 22% my penis two.
    I can bench a baby now is that good?

  114. kevv says:

    Hi i have the 750mg capsuals.. And starting my loading faze.. I only get to work out 2-3 times a week can i still take creatine as normal on tue days i dont work out?

  115. moody says:

    How long is the loading phase

  116. moody says:

    I saw it the first week thanks

  117. Sam says:

    Just wondering..

    So you do the loading phase, then you do you cycle, when you start to take it again do you have another loading phase?

  118. tom says:

    I dissolved 12 scoops of creatine in my ass while having sex with my boyfriend, I blacked out just before he came when he was pounding it in with his big black cock. When i finally woke up I think some of the creatine was sexually transmitted to him because I realized my TV was missing and my refrigerator was empty. Then I found him in the bathroom doing delt squats and my I noticed a big gaping hole in my dead cat’s anus, is that good or bad?!!?……………….. WAT THE FUCK???? THIS IS FUCKED UP SKIMP ASS SHIT NIGGAH

  119. Matthew says:

    i just bought creatine and there was no instructions on how to use it, i have been reading the stuff on this web site and its saying take 20 grams a day for the loading phase and thats a week so what do i do after the loading phase? how much do i take?

  120. Tom says:

    hi, i have been reading all these comments, but im stil abit confused. i workout 3 days aweek with 4 days off. I didnt know about the loading phase until today and have been using 5g creatine for 3 days now. can i start my loading phase now for a week??? And after the weeks loading phase do i go back down to 5g a day for how long, beacuse i heard after a month it isnt as effective….
    so 1 week loading
    3weeks maintance
    then 1 month off creatine

    then do it all again…..

    IS this ok, please help as iam confused thanks. 🙂

  121. Writ Wessex says:

    33 yo, 6″3 mix up doingbhiking and dumbbells in gym , shame the place don’t have a bench but I work around that, also miss the punch bag……. Do no sups at mo, but will start some creative…soon…do u need a great big tub of protien for after, or is muscle milk ok…..or a tin of tuna! Must amit, prolly like many, not a serios 5-6 day a week gym bod…..3 always, bang it for 45 mins….just wanna get a little ripped, possibly dance a bit better….nah! I’m cool. ….I’ve been offered big tubs 10lbs of 44g protien for after is tha needed… Or is pint of bodingtons and grilled chicken sarnie ok……appreciate, Where u guys writing back from….???? I’m in hk

  122. philly says:

    if i only work out 3-4 times a week and take 10g off creatine will this work many thanks if u can help me

  123. Mike says:

    Hi..i have been working out for 12 months now and hardly gain any weight, but since using Creatine for the last 5 days i gain 50lbs or pure muscle all around my body, & my penis grew longer & thicker i am benching an elephant for 12 reps and still increasing…i truly recomend this to all weightlifters out there

  124. Mickey says:

    I am 16 and I take creatine everyday. I generally take up to 6 tablets about an hour before my workout. Is this bad? My muscles are getting bigger though.

  125. jango says:

    i’m 24 and i’ve never worked out before, been 10 days into it. is it a good idea to start creatine or should i wait for some time?

  126. Phil says:

    I started taking creatine about a month ago, and I noticed humongous gains. My muscles are much bigger than I expected. The problem is my penis is much smaller too. Is this a common side effect?

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