Here go’s nothing..

Ok here go’s nothing.. today i started taking the creatine supplement, as recommended i started ‘the loading phase’, where I will continue to take 5 teaspoons of the powder every day with water or a fruit juice for one week, from then I will take 3 teaspoons a day.
It has been said that you’ll feel like you have more energy when working out, and able to do more strenuous workouts. Right now, before not taking any sort of supplement to help me, I am able to lift 40kg’s (88lbs) on bench press using a barbell, and 11kg (24lbs) on bicep curls using dumbells. A week ago i brought myself a bicycle, and since the purchase i have been going on daily thirty minute bike rides.

As week’s go by i hope to see changes in my workout and energy levels, and a gradual increase in the weights i lift. go's nothing.. digg:Here go's nothing.. spurl:Here go's nothing.. wists:Here go's nothing.. simpy:Here go's nothing.. newsvine:Here go's nothing.. blinklist:Here go's nothing.. furl:Here go's nothing.. reddit:Here go's nothing.. fark:Here go's nothing.. blogmarks:Here go's nothing.. Y!:Here go's nothing.. smarking:Here go's nothing.. magnolia:Here go's nothing.. segnalo:Here go's nothing..

3 Responses to “Here go’s nothing..”

  1. Christopher says:

    I have been going to a nutritionalist for a while, and just recently started taking Creatine. I was told to take it with Grape Juice as opposed to other juices because there is something in it that bonds with the creatine, making it more effective. I have not found any literature on it, but since it comes from a certified expert, I thought it would be useful to pass it on.

  2. Nathaniel says:

    2 years ago i started taking creatine. I started out weighing 168lbs and a few months later i reached 195lbs. All i took was the plain creatine monohydrate and a sugar free protein once after my workout. I loaded for 5 days, mixing in water, to start it all off. My power gains were incredible. I was maxing out at 225lbs at first on bench press and before I quite working out i got 275lbs up twice!!!!! My leg press started around 450lbs and i hit 865lbs repping it 5 times!!!!! Everyone complimented me. After 2 years I finally decided to get back to my weight training again, and have found that even though I’m not taking creatine i am still stronger then i ever was before i started taking it, and now I’m taking it over again with a body weight gain goal of 215lbs….I’m 5′ 10″ too. I’m a believer!!!

  3. Mike says:

    15 pounds in 1 week…insane, obviously not all muscle.

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