Archive for the 'Journal' Category

Digital Camera =)

20060920 23:09

Ok, well if anyone is reading this blog lol – i’ve got myself a digital camera and if you have noticed the new section on muscle building exerices i will be posting routines for you to try out while training. Alot of them are standard exercises used by people, but if your new to the whole thing, it’ll be giving you information such as what part of your body the routine helps build muscle for, instructions on how to do it correctly, and pictures of me doing it – maybe in the gym or maybe at home – who knows.

Just a thought; most likely you have came across my blog via a search engine, if you are new to the whole creatine/weight training scheme, please feel free to post your thoughts and opinions on any of my posts, if you are an expert in this area, please correct me if i am wrong!

Will keep you updated on those photo’s =)

My workout..

20060916 12:11

Almost everyone has their own workout program which suits them best, some may workout on weekends, some don’t. I myself don’t like to workout on weekends, as i’ve probably gone out the night before and the only thing i need is sleep!
My weekly workout plan is as follows;

Monday – Chest/Triceps
Tuesday – One hour bike ride
Wednesday – Biceps/Back
Thursday – One hour bike ride
Friday – Shoulders/Legs
Saturday – off
Sunday – One hour bike ride

There are thousands of workout routines, but some are more effective than others for obvious reasons. I have listed my workout routine below;

Flat Bench Press
Dumbell Pullovers
Flat Bench Dumbell Flyes
Incline Dumbell Flyes

Lat Pulldown (or weighted pull ups)
Bent Over Barbell Row
Bent Over 1 Arm Dumbell Rows

Standing Barbell Curls
Preacher Curls (with dumbells or barbell)
Seated/Standing Dumbell Curls

Tricep Press Down
French Press
The more weights i lift on a specific workout, the less reps i do, for example if i were doing bench 40kg’s i would do 10-15 reps, but if 70kg+ only 5 reps etc. I generally do 10 reps of each workout, it is only on the bench press where i do 5 reps.

Is creatine a steroid?

20060909 12:29

Someones e-mailed me a few days back, asking whether creatine is a steroid. To give you the answer in a nutshell, no it isn’t a steroid. Steroids are a synthetic version of the male hormone testosterone. You can see creatine is not by reading through my other articles on the website.


20060904 21:55

Haven’t posted on here lately due to me coming down with the flu! Wasn’t a pretty sight, but i think i’ve just got over it now, so hopefully i will be back in training tomorrow morning!


20060829 13:46

Haha ok, well after been advised not to take creatine on it’s own, i decided to go out and buy ‘Pro-Whey’ from Schwartz Laboratories. All looked good at first sight, strawberry flavor, 24 grams of protein in each serving, and low calories. So i brought it, took it home, mixed it up with some water and i was heaving from the smell! It was really that bad, dispite the shopkeeper saying ‘Yerp, that one tastes quite good!’. So bad i couldn’t even force myself to drink it all!

Look’s like i’ll have to stick to my chicken and tuna for a while =)

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