Body building and your food

Over and over again, i have saw and heard people stress the importance of eating about three, four or even six meals a day if you want to be serious about body building. Before my eating pattern was irregular, i often missed breakfast, had one or two meals a day, and didn’t even meet upto my 2000 calorie intake. Now i am eating full meals, upto four a day with breakfast included, with a total of 2000+ calories per day (which some may say is still not enough, but it is much more compared to my previous diet).

As im increasing my daily calorie intake, i am going on daily hourly bike rides, and making sure i do not miss out on creatine and protein dosage.

If you have any comments please post, i’d like to hear what you have to say on the whole idea. building and your food digg:Body building and your food spurl:Body building and your food wists:Body building and your food simpy:Body building and your food newsvine:Body building and your food blinklist:Body building and your food furl:Body building and your food reddit:Body building and your food fark:Body building and your food blogmarks:Body building and your food Y!:Body building and your food smarking:Body building and your food magnolia:Body building and your food segnalo:Body building and your food

One Response to “Body building and your food”

  1. Enzo says:

    Wouldnt it better to eat up to eight meals a day to further speed up the metabolism and spread the cals and protein to prevent gain fat and achieve a constant supply to protein sythesis?

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