Archive for November, 2006

Creatine kinase

20061127 13:00

Creatine kinase, also known as phosphocreatine kinase or creatine phosphokinase, is an enzyme or type of protein that is found in several tissue types of the human body, including the muscle and the brain. The function of this enzyme is to catalyze the conversion of creatine to phosphocreatine by applying itself in the consumption of adenosine triphosphate, the generation of adenosine diphosphate, and the reverse reaction. Adenosine triphosphate is a vital source of energy in biochemical reactions; in the skeletal muscle, the brain, and the smooth muscle – or all tissues that swiftly use up adenosine triphosphate – phosphocreatine acts as an energy reservoir for the quick regeneration of adenosine triphosphate. This is a very important function, and even though it doesn’t sound like much, creatine kinase definitely has its work cut out.

Going back to basics, there are three types of creatine kinase or isoenzymes in the body: CK-BB is mainly produced by the brain and the smooth muscle; CK-MB is primarily produced by the heart muscle; and most of CK-MM is produced by the skeletal muscle.

In normal conditions, there is very little creatine kinase circulating in the blood of the average, healthy human being. Taking the creatine test is a good idea to find out where exactly it is that one stands when it comes to the prevalent level of creatine kinase in one’s body. The test specifically measures the blood levels of certain muscle and brain enzyme proteins; the normal results for females range between 10 – 79 units per liter (U/L) and 17 – 148 U/L in males. A lower than normally low level of creatine kinase shows that you have been drinking excessively; alcohol liver disease and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the most common possibilities that exist with respect to lowered levels of creatine kinase.

On the other hand, if the test reveals that the level of creatine kinase circulating in the blood is higher than it should be in normal conditions, then chances are that the human body in question has suffered damage either to the muscle or the brain. In fact, astronomical levels of creatine kinase are indicative of injuries, rhabdodomyolysis, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, myositis, malignant hypethermia, McLeod syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and hypothyroidism. If most of this sounds like gibberish to you, just remember that a heart attack, a muscle disease or a stroke may result in abnormally raised creatine kinase levels in the blood. Statin medications used to decrease serum cholesterol levels may also be the culprit.

Experts suggest that anyone who is not sure whether or not they have had a heart attack (which is hard to imagine!) or whether muscles in their bodies have been damaged as a result of any sort of activity, should make it a point to go for a creatine kinase test. This group also includes those with chest pain, muscle pain, and any sort of muscle weakness. Emergency patients (or patients with acute renal failure) are routinely taken through this test, which actually only requires one’s blood sample drawn from a vein in the arm (not scary at all!).

Glutamine side effects

20061125 00:31

Glutamine, one of the twenty special amino acids that have been encoded by the standard genetic code, is also one of the most common amino acids that occur naturally in the human body. It makes up more than sixty percent of the skeletal muscle tissue, and is fuel for both the digestive tract and the immune system, while also playing a pivotal role in responsibly conducting nitrogen to muscles around the body. High concentrations of Glutamine are especially available in the brain, the gut lining, the lungs, the heart, the kidney, the liver, and the muscles. In short, no human body can survive without this vital amino acid; in fact most bodybuilders and athletes use it as a supplement to enhance their performance or to strengthen themselves physically. Glutamine can be found in protein powders (mostly favored by the likes of athletes, weightlifters, and bodybuilders); and is also rich in other high-protein foods including fish, red meat, beans, poultry and dairy products.

While the human body does not take well to anything taken in excess, however useful it might be, studies regarding the side effects of excess Glutamine use have even churned out inconclusive results. Still, it’s safe to say that it’s never a good idea to take high doses, and it has been proved that excess use might lead to an an upset stomach, if nothing else.

It is now widely believed that since Glutamine occurs naturally in the human body, supplementing a diet with the amino acid comes free of any major health risks or adverse side effects, as long as it’s done in low doses. In fact, it is mostly encouraged; Glutamine deficiency is so common in our day, that medical practitioners check for Glutamine deficiency as one of the primary tests when searching for clues in patients with symptoms of chronic illnesses or dysfunction in cognitive functioning and mood swings.
Nevertheless, it’s important to understand that anybody thinking of starting a regimen including Glutamine supplements should consult a physician or nutritionist first; especially those suffering from either Type I or Type II diabetes since they are usually advised to exercise extreme caution with respect to Glutamine powders or supplements. This is mainly because surplus amounts of Glutamine in the human body are broken down by the liver and the kidneys for the production of glucose.

Aside from being used as a diet supplement by bodybuilders and athletes, Glutamine has been deemed effective in treating muscle cramps or pain in the elderly. It can also speed up the Krebs Cycle and aid in weight loss while retaining muscle mass. However, the principle use of Glutamine is still the replenishment of the body’s stores of amino acids; which is why supplementation is considered particularly healthy after strenuous exercise or long workouts. Furthermore, people suffering from any kind of physical trauma, immune deficiencies, or cancer also tend to find Glutamine very helpful.

Thus, as the article suggests, Glumatine use (in a controlled manner) has many favorable effects, yet most often comes free of any adverse side effects; which is why it’s become such a popular fixture on the market for health supplements.

As for L-Glutamine side effects, they are exactly the same as normal glutamine side effects

Lazy week

20061123 10:49

Quite annoyed with myself this week, i’ve had a totally lazy week! Earlier in the week i said to myself i’d go on a bike ride on the evening but in the end i decided to go the day after and didn’t know i was going to be busy and one thing led from another and the weeks turned out totally lazy! I haven’t touched weights or my bike, which i know is going to kill me when i get back on them.

On another note, i quit my part-time job which means ill have christmas/new years free for family and friends which i’m quite happy about as i was due to work on new years day and i was really dredding it!

I will be starting my weights on monday so i can have a fresh start for the week coming and can do my program properly. I’ll be posting some more creatine articles shortly, including one titled ‘How much weight can i gain with creatine?’ so check back soon for an update.

Bike riding exercise! Get fit

20061115 21:35

Before i move onto the actual point of this post, i’ll tell you a little story. About one or two months ago i brought a standard mountain bike for £80($150). My dad dropped me to the shop where i tested it out and brought it. From there it’s probably about 20 minutes walking distance to my house. I was well up for riding home, thinking it’d be a breeze in the park, only untill i got home with buckets of sweat coming from my t-shirt, and legs like jelly! Then i realised how unfit i actually was!

To date, i currently ride my bike for half an hour or an hour four times a week, and hardly work up a sweat! It’s quite shocking how you can turn yourself around in such little time, it only takes some sore legs and determination.

Now to the point of the post, whether you are a bodybuilder or just trying to get fit, if you eat 1000 calories a day, or 4000, bike riding is an excellent way to get fit! I found a nice tool to find out how many calories you burn for certain types of exercises and the length of time you do it for. Using myself as an example, every day i go on a bike ride with an estimated speed of 9.4mph I burn 245 calories!

Use the exercise calorie counter here to find out the amount of calories you burn doing whatever exercise you do!

Mad about Eggs?! Free Egg Recipes Ebook

20061114 23:06

Every bodybuilder knows there high protein food sources to there high fat foods. Thats why so many tuck into egg whites, I myself love scrambled egg’s in the morning, 4 egg’s, 3 slices of wholemeal toast, abit of brown sauce and im done till lunch time, although it sometimes gets abit boring with the same old every day!

Below is a download link to a free egg recipes ebook which contains over 100 egg recipes for you to enjoy day in day out!

To download the free egg recipes ebook please click here.

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